Proper Lubricant Handling

When properly used, lubricants present no hazard to the health of the user. Proper handling of lubricants only requires the basic knowledge of not letting the oil directly touch the skin or be ingested. However, despite this basic reminder, some people still forget the guidelines of proper lubricant handling. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Attire–The most recommended attire is an overall with impenetrable aprons, gloves, and other pieces of clothing that covers exposed skin.

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Plant Shutdowns: The Considerations to Make

Every manufacturing plant faces the reality of a plant shutdown at one point or another due to various circumstances. Such a development is usually detrimental to the entire business as it typically involves stopping production, which ultimately spells decreased revenue. Still, plant shutdowns are a necessary evil, as they help avoid costly dangers down the line.

Extra Duties

A shutdown usually contains a series of pre-planned steps, but certain unexpected situations can lurk at every corner. As such, during the planning stage, the team must identify who’s responsible for what, and who answers to who. Advise your team to be diligent about their communication with every group member. A well-coordinated effort ensure that your shutdown will push through with as little hassle as possible.

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Choosing the Right Lubricant Can Help Save Costs

Operating costs for a piece of machinery doesn’t begin and end with initial purchase and installation costs alone—there is also the equipment’s cost of ownership to account for. This includes all the maintenance procedures performed routinely to make sure all of machine’s parts (the motor, pump, fan, conveyor, and others) are running correctly.

The importance of proper lubrication

 One of the best ways to properly maintain an equipment—and in consequence, lower operating costs—is through proper lubrication. It may not appear important at first glance, but choosing the right lubricant for your needs can effectively prevent costly equipment failure in the future. According to recent studies, 43 percent of equipment failures are the direct result of incorrect choice and usage of lubricants.

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High Quality Air Filters Help Keep Your Car Going

One of the remarkable facts about engines is that for every gallon of gas your car burns, it uses an equivalent of 12,000 gallons of air. The nature of internal combustion engines is that they combine fuel and air in a controlled explosion to get the pistons turning. Though the explosive force is provided by the gasoline, you can’t have the combustion without air.

Your engine draws all of the air it uses for combustion from the surroundings. However, ambient air isn’t as clean as your engine needs it to be—dirt particles like dust and pollen often accompany the air that gets drawn in. If left alone, dirt will enter the engine and stick to the various moving parts inside. The effects may not be noticeable at first, but eventually, dirt will start rubbing against the engine’s moving parts and wear them down much quicker.

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