Shell Lubricants and Oil Viscosity

When it comes to protecting your engine from wear, Shell lubricants offer the best bang for your buck. The most important characteristic of a lubricant is its viscosity, but not all variants of lubricants are applicable to all engines in every climate. This is why it’s important to find out the right oil viscosity for your car and the weather conditions where you live.

Importance of Oil Viscosity

Oil viscosity is a huge factor in determining what your engine needs in terms of protection. Ideally, a lubricant should adapt to the temperature of the environment. If it’s cold, the lubricant must be thin enough to allow movement within the engine. On the other hand, it must be thick enough in high temperatures to protect the engine parts as you drive. Choosing the right viscosity for the engine helps ensure that it performs well, increase fuel efficiency, and reduce engine wear.

Synthetic vs. Mineral

When buying lubricants, you will have two choices: synthetic and mineral. The difference comes down to the ability to minimize viscosity differences when the temperature changes. While both types offer multigrade oils that can maintain engine performance in both low and high temperatures, synthetic lubricants are the best choice. Synthetic oils perform better than mineral oils in almost any temperature and is able to maintain protection for longer.

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